5-16-07: New fanart by ana in the fanart section :D. Go see!
1-27-07: New layout for the site :O. I like it.
1-24-07: Uploaded chapter 15 o.o finally.
10-15-06: Uploaded a color fanart submission by ana ^_^. Go check it out!
8-24-06: Sorry for the long hiatus O_o; college stuff and yeah I'm moving into my dorm tomorrow. Here's chapter 14.
3-2-06: Two fanart submissions uploaded :O. Both are by ana, and both are good. Go check it out ^_^.
2-20-06: Miss me? ^_^; It's been an incredibly long while, and I apologize for the extensive hiatus. I've been so bogged down with college applications and whatnot that I haven't found time to breathe, much less time to write. However, I come to you now with good news: I have chapter 13 ready for your reading pleasure. So stop reading this and go read that instead :O.
8-15-05: New layout, and it's in COLOR. I'm sorry it doesn't quite fit with the rest of the site, but I had no other ideas or nice images to use ^^;. Fanart thanks to Eugene once again.
8-13-05: Arc two has begun :O. Prequel and chapter 12 updated.
7-16-05: Uh yeah, I felt the urge to finish the prequel so I did :x. Prequel chapters 6 and 7 are up and available to read. Also spiffed up the entrance page with one of Eugene's famous fanarts.
7-12-05: Woah, I wrote. However I'm no longer writing rough drafts in my spiral to transcribe onto the computer. Instead, I'm typing my roughs straight on the computer. It'll help with the rate of progress.
6-23-05: Oh man, I should be slapped for slacking off for so long. I have an excuse! I lost the spiral (yes, as in The Spiral with all of tslod written in it) and didn't find it until today. I think I'll start just typing it on the computer, though. Writing it by hand takes too much time. So anyway, here's prequel chapter four.
10-24-04: Altered the layout of the chapters. Also added Prequel chapters two and three.
10-06-04: A couple fanart was added. Couple ranting was updated. Characters were updated accordingly.
10-05-04: First chapter of the prequel arc uploaded. Some interesting developments, but the romance will come later ;P.
9-25-04: Fanart section added. Only one to look at, though.
9-24-04: New chapter uploaded. Arc one is finished with this chapter, so the next update will be the prequel arc ^_^.
8-15-04: Two new sections - About The Fanfic and Coupling Rant.
8-7-04: New host. Thank you very much Buruma for the hosting offer ^_^.
7-29-04: New chapter uploaded. Click here to read.
7-25-04: Yet another new host. Hopefully this one will work out better than envy.nu's pop up hell. Fanfic-wise, I have chapter 10 written and waiting to be published.
9-11-03: New host! I went crawling to envy.nu's feet. And...no new updates story-wise ^_^;a. I really don't have time...
8-15-03: I'm sick of school already, lol. Unfortunately, I haven't even begun writing the beginning of Chapter 10 (which just so happens to be the climax chapter of the first arc), but I have it (mostly) planned out already. I'll see if I can set down words on paper this weekend. I have loads of homework to deal with, though, so no guarantees here.
7-31-03: Chapter 09 posted!
7-27-03: New layout, finally. Hopefully it's easier to navigate and find things than the last one was.